Kebijakan Privasi Digisign /Digisign Privacy Policy
Digisign menerbitkan Sertifikat Elektronik yang dapat dimiliki kemudian digunakan oleh setiap orang untuk melakukan otentikasi identitas kepada pihak lain, melakukan tanda tangan elektronik terhadap suatu dokumen, dan / atau melakukan enkripsi data sensitif sehingga dapat ditransmisi melalui internet.
Digisign issues Electronic Certificates, which are obtained and used by individuals to authenticate their identity to others, sign documents using electronic signature, and/or to encrypt sensitive data so they can be transmitted over the Internet.
Pemilik menyatakan telah membaca, memahami, dan menyetujui Ketentuan Kebijakan Privasi Digisign.
Subscribers declare that they have read, understood and agreed to the Provisions of Digisign Privacy Policy.
Kebijakan ini mungkin diubah atau diperbarui baik sebagian maupun seluruhnya dari waktu ke waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya kepada Pemilik, dan akan berlaku sejak diunggah pada laman Situs Digisign. Pemilik Layanan Digisign disarankan agar memeriksa laman Situs Digisign secara berkala untuk mengetahui perubahan apapun atas ketentuan Kebijakan Privasi ini dari waktu ke waktu.
The provisions in this Subscribers Privacy Policy can be amended or updated in whole or in part from time to time without prior notification to the Subscribers, and the amendment comes into effect since its publication on the Site. Subscribers to Digisign Services are advised to check the Site periodically to be aware of any changes in the provisions from time to time.
Dengan tetap mengakses Akun Digisign atau menggunakan Layanan Digisign, maka Pemilik dianggap menyetujui perubahan atas Ketentuan Kebijakan Privasi ini. Apabila Pemilik tidak menyetujui perubahan ketentuan Kebijakan Privasi, Pemilik dapat menghubungi Digisign untuk melakukan pengakhiran Akun Digisign.
By resuming access to Digisign Accounts or continuing the usage of Digisign Services, Subscribers agree with the amendments to the Provisions in this Privacy Policy. In the event that Subscribers do not agree with the amendments, Subscribers should immediately notify Digisign to terminate their Digisign Accounts.
Kebijakan Privasi Digisign ini merupakan bagian yang tidak terlepas dan terkait dengan dokumen Perjanjian Kepemilikan Sertifikat Elektronik Digisign / Subscriber Agreement, dengan demikian Pemilik Akun Digisign akan menerima dan setuju serta mengakui bahwa Pemilik telah membaca dan mengerti seluruh isi dokumen tersebut, bila ada perbedaan pada penulisan istilah maka dokumen Kebijakan Privasi dan Perjanjian Kepemilikan Sertifikat Elektronik Digisign / Subscriber Agreement memiliki arti yang sama.
This Digisign Privacy Policy is an inseparable part of and is related to the Digisign electronic certificate Ownership / Subscriber Agreement document; thus, Subscribers to Digisign Accounts accept, agree, and acknowledge that the Subscribers have read and understood all of the contents of the document. If there is a difference in writing the terms, then Digisign Privacy Policy and electronic certificate ownership / Subscriber Agreement documents have the same meaning.
Setiap kata yang diawali huruf kapital mengandung arti berikut ini:
All capitalized words herein have the following meanings:
“Digisign Account” is an alphanumeric code issued by Digisign, and the code can be associated to a unique username which can identify the subscriber in using Digisign Services.
“Electronic Document” is any electronic information which includes but is not limited to electronic contracts which are made, forwarded, sent, received, or stored in electronic form.
“Electronic Information” is a single or a group of electronic data which include but are not limited to written data, audio data, pictures, maps, designs, photographs, electronic data interchange (EDI), e-mails, telegrams, telex, telecopies and the like, letters, signs, numbers, access codes, symbols, or perforations which has been processed to obtain meanings or to be understood by the people who can comprehend them.
Personal Data is data about an individual who is identified or can be identified individually or combined with other information, either directly or indirectly, through electronic or non-electronic systems.
Personal Data Protection is the overall effort to protect Personal Data in the process of Personal Data processing in order to guarantee the constitutional rights of Personal Data subjects.
“Digisign Services” are the services to issue Electronic Certificates and create Digisign Electronic Signatures and/or other Digisign services as stated by Digisign from time to time through Digisign Site.
“Subscribers” means private individuals, associations, firms, companies, legal entities, institutions or organizations that use Digisign Services.
“Electronic Certificate” is a certificate issued by Digisign electronically and containing the Electronic Signatures and identities which identify the legal subjects or all parties involved in an electronic transaction.
“Site” refers to
“Service Policy and Practice Documents” refer to Certificate Policy, Certificate Practice Statement, Digisign Privacy Policy, and other policy documents which inform the policies and practices of Digisign Services, as regulated in Root CA Indonesia and the applicable laws and regulations.
“Subscriber Agreement” means the terms and conditions which bind the Owners of Digisign Accounts, as the Subscribers to Digisign Services.
“Relying Parties” are associations, firms, companies, legal entities, institutions or organizations that rely on Digisign Services.
“Electronic Signatures” are signatures which consist of Electronic Information which has been affixed, associated, or related to other Electronic Information which is used as a verification and authentication which is created by using Digisign Services.
"Data Owner" means an individual or entity who has legal rights or control over the data collected, stored, or processed. Data owners have the right to determine how their data is used, stored, and shared by others.
"Data Controller" means an individual, organization or entity responsible for the collection, processing and use of personal data or data relating to a particular individual.
"Data Processor" means an entity or individuals who process personal data or data relating to a particular individual on behalf of a Data Controller
Digisign tunduk dan patuh atas perundang-undangan yang berlaku dalam menjalankan layanan sebagai Penyelenggara Sertifikat Elektronik untuk penggunaan data pribadi, pengolahan dan proses penyimpanan yang diatur dalam:
Digisign adheres to and complies with the applicable laws and regulations in providing its services as an Electronic Certificate Authority which is responsible for the use of personal data, their management, and their storing processes as regulated in:
Law No. 11 of 2008 on Electronic Information and Transactions;
Law No. 22 of 2022 on Data Privacy Protection;
Government Regulation No. 71 of 2019 on the Organization of Electronic Systems and Transactions;
Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics No. 11 of 2022 on the Organization of Electronic Certificates;
Regulation of Minister of Communication and Informatics No. 20 of 2016 on the Personal Data Protection on Electronic System
CP / CPS Root CA Indonesia.
Pengguna akan diminta untuk memberikan Data Pribadi Pengguna secara benar, jelas, akurat dan lengkap sebelum dapat menggunakan Layanan Digisign. Digisign dapat menolak permohonan pendaftaran apabila Pengguna tidak memberikan Data Pribadi yang diwajibkan di poin ini, atau memberikan pernyataan dan jaminan, informasi atau Data Pribadi yang tidak benar, tidak jelas, tidak akurat, dan/atau tidak lengkap, dan menangguhkan atau memberhentikan sebagian atau seluruh Layanan Digisign yang diberikan kepada Pengguna
User will be asked to provide the correct, clear, accurate, and complete personal data before using Digisign services. Digisign can reject registration request if user not providing personal data as required in this poin. Or providing guarantee and statement, information or incorrect personal data, unclear, inaccurate and/or not completed. And to partially hold or stop full services which provided by Digisign to the user.
Digisign mengumpulkan dan memproses data pribadi Pemilik, ketika Pemilik mengajukan permohonan penerbitan Sertifikat Elektronik. Digisign mengumpulkan data pribadi ini langsung dari Pemilik. Digisign hanya mengumpulkan data pribadi yang diperlukan oleh persyaratan dan / atau diperlukan untuk proses pendaftaran akun di Digisign.
Digisign collects and processes the Owner's personal data, when the Owner submits an application for the issuance of an Electronic Certificate. Digisign collects this personal data directly from the Owner. Digisign only collects personal data that is required by the terms and or required for the account registration process at Digisign.
Data yang diperlukan ketika Pemilik melakukan permohonan penerbitan Sertifikat Elektronik Digisign adalah:
The data required when the Subscribers apply for the issuance of Digisign Electronic Certificates are:
National Identity Number in E-KTP for Indonesia citizens
E-KTP photograph
Passport or KITAS/KITAP Numbers for foreign citizens
Full Name
Date of birth
Email address
Mobile phone number
Self-portrait photograph
Face-to-face video recording both in person and online if needed
Digisign akan mengumpulkan data pribadi secara otomatis pada saat pengguna menggunakan layanan Digisign, seperti IP Address, login information, geolocation, browser client & version, timestamp of activities, operating system, dan data transaksi Pengguna yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan Layanan Digisign
Digisign will collect personal data automatically when users use Digisign services, such as IP Address, login information, geolocation, browser client version, timestamp of activities, operating system, and user transaction data related to the use of Digisign Services
Pengguna dapat membuat akun Digisign melalui Pihak ketiga untuk mengakses atau menggunakan layanan yang disediakan oleh Pihak Ketiga tersebut. Pihak Ketiga yang memberikan layanan pembuatan Akun Digisign adalah otoritas pendaftaran (registration authority). Otoritas pendaftaran akan kemudian meneruskan informasi data pribadi yang pengguna berikan pada saat pendaftaran Digisign untuk membuat akun Digisign.
Users can create a Digisign account through a third Party to access or use the services provided by such Third Party. Third Parties that provide Digisign Account creation services are registration authorities. The registration authority will then pass on the personal data information that the user provided at the time of Digisign registration to create a Digisign account.
Digisign memproses data pribadi untuk tujuan berikut:
Digisign processes personal data for the following purposes:
Issuance, management and revocation of electronic certificates
Analyze data related to Digisign service usage activities
User notification of transactions and/or activities carried out in applications or systems connected to the Digisign application
Delivery of information on updates, development and/or improvement of Digisign services or services provided by third parties cooperating with Digisign
Internal purposes, including but not limited to audits and analyses related to developing, maintaining, testing, improving and improving Digisign services to meet user needs
Fulfillment of Digisign's obligations to authorized agencies, based on applicable laws and regulations
Personalization of Digisign services for users and/or third parties who have collaborated with Digisign
Process user requests related to access, correction, update, and/or deletion/destruction of personal data of users of the Digisign system
Any other purpose to the extent that such purpose is not prohibited by applicable law. Digisign will notify the user when requesting the user's consent if required by applicable laws or regulations required by Digisign
Pemilik data pribadi berhak memperbaiki atau memperbarui data pribadi yang telah diberikan sebelumnya jika terdapat ketidakakuratan pada data tersebut. Untuk itu Digisign menyediakan mekanisme agar proses perbaikan atau pembaruan tersebut dapat dilakukan.
The Subscriber has the right to correct or update the personal data previously provided if there are inaccuracies in the data. For this reason, Digisign provides a mechanism so that the repair or update process can be carried out.
Digisign menyimpan data pribadi Pemilik dan melindunginya dari kehilangan, penyalahgunaan, atau pengungkapan yang tidak semestinya, sesuai dengan praktik Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi. Penyimpanan ini akan terus dilakukan selama masa Sertifikat Pemilik masih berlaku, serta masa retensi data yang ditetapkan pada dokumen CP dan CPS Digisign. Tindakan yang dilakukan Digisign antara lain:
Digisign stores Subscribers personal data and protects them from loss, misuse or improper disclosure, in accordance with Information Security Management System practices. This storage is maintained for as long as the Subscribers Certificates are still valid, and complies with the data retention period specified in Digisign CP and CPS documents. Actions taken by Digisign include:
Digisign takes security and storage measures with great care in order to protect the confidentiality of the Subscribers' personal data from time to time;
Digisign guarantees that any data uploaded and sent by the Subscribers to the Digisign Services are stored securely and sent confidentially using information security standards;
Digisign guarantees to protect the Subscribers' Private Key storage area safely with a high level of escrowed security, namely Subscribers’ Private Keys can only be accessed by the Subscribers, using two-factor authentication;
Digisign will notify the Subscribers in the event that there is a failure to protect the confidentiality of the Subscribers' personal data in the Digisign electronic system under the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations; and
Digisign guarantees that only the Subscribers and other parties who are given permission by the Subscribers to access the electronic documents can view the documents that the Subscribers upload through their Digisign Accounts to Digisign Services.
Electronic documents storage period as in point e. refer to the Subcriber Agreement Part E point 14.
Digisign will delete rejected applicant data within 30 days after the applicant is declared rejected.
All access to personal data is verified to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data.
Digisign has no right to modify Subscribers' personal data unless there is a request from the legitimate owners of the data.
Personal Data Information is stored and processed at processing facilities located in the Indonesian territory of Indonesia and secured under the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
Digisign protects personal data storage activities to prevent a personal data leak in DC and DRC.
Digisign retains personal data during the retention period
Digisign processes and records activities related to the storage, transfer and deletion of personal data that occurs.
Dengan menyetujui Kebijakan Privasi ini, Pengguna mengakui dan menyatakan bahwa Pengguna telah membaca dan memahami ketentuan-ketentuan dalam Kebijakan Privasi ini. Pengguna juga memberikan Digisign persetujuan untuk melakukan Pemrosesan, Pengungkapan dan/atau penyimpanan Data Pribadi Pengguna sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan dalam Kebijakan Privasi ini dan peraturan-perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, the Subricbers acknowledges and states that the Subcribers has read and understood the provisions of this Privacy Policy. Subcribers also give Digisign consent to process, disclose and/or store User Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy and applicable laws and regulations.
Digisign dapat mengungkapkan dan membagi Data Pribadi Pemilik kepada pihak ketiga dengan ketentuan bahwa Pemilik menyatakan telah memberikan persetujuan Pemilik terhadap pengungkapan dan pembagian ini. Persetujuan pada ketentuan ini merujuk pada ketentuan huruf B tentang Kepatuhan dan ketentuan huruf C tentang Data Pribadi dalam Kebijakan Privasi ini. Digisign hanya mengungkapkan dan membagi Data Pribadi Pemilik hanya apabila diperlukan bagi Digisign untuk memberikan layanan kepada Pemilik.
In Order to provide Digisign services, Digisign shall be able to disclose and share the Subscribers Personal Data to a third party provided that the Subscribers have given their consent to such disclosure and sharing. Consent refers to Article B concerning Compliance and Article C concerning Personal Data. Digisign will only disclose and share the Subscribers Personal Data only when it is necessary to provide our services to the Subscribers.
Beberapa Data Pribadi yang Digisign kelola dapat dibagi kepada beberapa penyedia jasa, antara lain penyelenggara jasa sistem pembayaran, regulator, dan pakar eksternal (auditor, advokat, dan konsultan lainnya yang Digisign tunjuk untuk menjalankan operasi kegiatan Digisign). Apabila Digisign membagi Data Pribadi kepada beberapa penyedia jasa tersebut, penerima Data Pribadi wajib sepakat untuk:
Some Personal Data that Digisign maintain may be shared on occasion with service providers, such as payment service providers, regulators, external experts (auditors, attorneys, other consultants that Digisign hire to assist in performing functions necessary to operate our business). If Digisign make a disclosure of this type, the Personal Data recipient must agree to:
View the Personal Data only on Digisign premises and not remove it, except as necessary to provide the services to Digisign;
Use it only for the purposes and interests that have been previously established; and
Return it to Digisign employees or destroy it as soon as the need for the Personal Data expires.
Penghapusan data pribadi Pemilik dilakukan dengan cara memutus akses akun Digisign dan mengakhiri Layanan Digisign. Data Pribadi yang disimpan oleh Digisign memiliki masa retensi 5 (lima) tahun sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diatur dalam CP / CPS Digisign.
The deletion of the Subscribers personal data is conducted by termination of the Digisign account access and terminating the Digisign Services. Personal Data stored by Digisign have a retention period of 5 (five) years under the provisions stipulated in Digisign CP / CPS.
The Subscribers hereby declares that they have given explicit permission to Digisign prior to the Electronic Certificate issuance process.
The usage of Digisign Account and Digisign Services, the Subscribers agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia.
Every notification from Digisign addressed to the Subscribers will be notified through Digisign apps, the Subscriber's account dashboard, e-mail, or Short Message Service (SMS) sent to the Subscribers registered with the Digisign Account.
Every notification from the Subscribers to Digisign becomes effective when the notification is received by Digisign via e-mail: and/or the physical documents can be sent to PT Solusi Net Internusa, Sahid Sudirman Center 55th Floor, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 86 Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, 10220.
Perjanjian ini dibuat dalam 2 (dua) bahasa, yaitu bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Apabila terjadi perbedaan penafsiran antara teks bahasa Indonesia dengan teks bahasa Inggris, maka yang berlaku adalah teks dalam bahasa Indonesia.
This policy is made in 2 languages, namely Indonesian and English. If there is a difference in interpretation between the Indonesian text and the English text, the Indonesian text will prevail.